It's now

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Good day

Finally!! After a few months of hardwork and "investment", I passed my driving test for the 2nd attempt! :D It's really very dreadful for me to go for my lesson after work because firstly it is tiring and secondly, it is definitely costly. But anw.. I Passed!!

I got enlisted into Unisim for my part-time course in business. Will be starting school soon. I hope I would still be able to catch up ya.. Hmm..

I need my luck still for tomorrow, I need to find my equipment back. It went missing after my sleep study test on Wednesday morning. We only discover it today. :( Please... I hope it is hiding somewhere I can find tomorrow when I'm back in office.

Went shopping with shan, fang & hui today in town. I could have spend less. :|

I'm sleepy.. zzZ time. Good night.

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